Cobweb spider offsprings

In a previous post (January 31, 2019), we reported the biodiversity on a sapling of a Calabur tree observed throughout the second half of the last year. Among the species observed there was the Cobweb spider.
On December the 16th, 2018, we noticed that the Cobweb spider had an ootheca, and then we began to follow it daily, although we did not record the observations every day.

On December the 26th, the eggs hatched and a few dozen tiny cobwebs appeared. Although the baby spiders were still there the next day, the mom was gone.

Life goes on, another Cobweb spider with an ootheca was observed on January the 3rd.
To access the observations, "explore" filtering for the person's name "nelson_wisnik", the Description/tags "calabura" and "ootheca", and selecting the species "Cobweb". You are welcome.
Publicado el 01 de febrero de 2019 por nelson_wisnik nelson_wisnik


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