Jan 17/17

My persistence paid off today, with some luck. At the Parker dog park I noticed a bunch of crows in a tree, yelling. I decided to go to it, as I thought they might be mobbing an owl. After wending my way through willow bush, I go just to where the path opened to that tree, and everything took off to another part of the bush. Slogged my way back out to the fields, and about half way back to the car, the whole lot came flying past. There was definitely an owl being chased by the crows - don't know what type of owl but bigger than a crow. It was slightly too far away to make out details of the owl. Second time I've seen that event there. First was a couple of years ago, when the yapping crows guided me to where they were mobbing an owl.

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2017 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


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