April 11/18

Finally got the little buggers!! I spent last summer trying to photo a small raptor(s) that were yapping around the neighbourhood, and today I heard one while walking the dog. After looking around, I happened to see one fly to a telephone pole, and got a couple of shots, though only of it's back. It spent most of it's time preening, while close by one was still yapping. checked over to the right of the pole, and there was the other one at the top of a tree. From my field guide, it seems that the one on the pole, which is more blue/grey, is a male, and the yappy brown one is a female. I though the male would be the loud one. I'm assuming, based on the field guide, that these are Merlins. I was hoping they would be back, and heard one this morning. I was making plans on how best to track them down, and there they were!

Publicado el 12 de abril de 2018 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


Fotos / Sonidos


Halcón Esmerejón (Falco columbarius)


Abril 2018


Fotos / Sonidos


Halcón Esmerejón (Falco columbarius)


Abril 2018


I've been tracking these guys for a year, and happened to find a male and female.



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Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación