4 Feb/18

Interesting day. It was -26C and as I let the dog off into the park, I looked up and a Bald Eagle flew past along the River. It was probably 10 m above the river, but up on the bank it was almost at eye level. I did manage to get my camera out and snap a couple of shots, though I wasn't sure of exposure or even if the battery would work. Managed to get some shots, though it was 500m or so away from me. I had no idea that those birds would hang around here this long, or at this temperature. Some birds seem to semi migrate, moving away when it gets cold, and then coming back when it warms up a bit. Blue Jays seem to do it, though I don't know where they go when it's frosty.
The really interesting part is that there were none of the 'usual suspects' (chickadees, nuthatches and downy/hairy woodpeckers) around. I've seen them around when eagles are around, but perhaps the wind and the cold made them search for food elsewhere. It's been a long winter for these guys, and I hope they make it to the summer.

Publicado el 04 de febrero de 2018 por mamestraconfigurata mamestraconfigurata


Fotos / Sonidos


Águila Calva (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)


Febrero 4, 2018 a las 11:20 MAÑANA CST


-26C. Got out of the car, let the dog go in the park, and saw a bald eagle gliding past. By the time I got my camera out and was able to shoot, these were the only pictures I could get. Tail is visible in #1. Tail and head (to the right) visible in #2. 3 is how far it had moved in 30 sec(?)



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