
Dimorphism [dī-môr′fĭz′əm]: the condition or the properties of being dimorphic (or dimorphous)

  • the existence of two different forms (as of color or size) of a species
  • the existence of an organ in two different forms

Meaning of “Dimorphic” in genetics
The existence of two distinct types of an individual (plant) within a species, usually differing in one or more characteristics such as coloration, size, and shape.

What is dimorphic flower?
Floral dimorphism: refers to differences between flowers their sex functions are separated between flowers of the plant (monoecy), or between individuals (dioecy).
Sexual dimorphism: (for dioecious populations in which) different sex functions (female and male) occur on separate individuals.

What is dimorphic condition?
[Sexual dimorphism] the condition where the sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics, particularly characteristics not directly involved in reproduction. The opposite of dimorphism is monomorphism, which is when both biological sexes are phenotypically indistinguishable from each other.

Cleistogamy is a phenomenon (of certain species) of plants which can propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers. The word cleistogamy means “closed marriage”. The flowers which show cleistogamy are known as cleistogamous (CL) flowers. It is well known in the grass family, such as peas, peanuts and pansy.

The more common opposite of cleistogamy (or "closed marriage"), is called chasmogamy (CH), or "open marriage". Virtually all plants that produce cleistogamous flowers also produce chasmogamous ones. The obvious disadvantage of cleistogamy is that self-fertilization occurs, which may suppress the creation of genetically superior plants.

For example, Viola shows both cleistogamy and chasmogamy.

Publicado el 29 de octubre de 2022 por lunababy22 lunababy22


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