Helpful journals, guides, tips from iNat users

There are so many wonderful resources that people have created and posted on iNaturalist, but they aren't always easy to find. Even worse, I can't always find my way BACK to them after finding them in the first place. My understanding is that eventually people can add links to their guides, etc. on Taxon pages, but we don't have that feature yet.

In the meantime, this is a random collection of helpful journal posts, tips, species guides, etc. that I have found. They are in no particular order, and it's a work in progress:

From @nathantaylor

Several from @pfau_tarleton

Several helpful ones from @bouteloua

Two by @lanechaffin (and he has others, too: check out his journal posts)

This one on identifying some often-confused trees with compound leaves

These are the ones I've written so far:


Cedar Elm or Winged Elm

American Elm or Slippery Elm

Introduced Elms: Chinese Elm and Siberian Elm


Sesbania, Riverhemps, and Bladder Pod

Find a taxa
ie for Soapberries

Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2019 por lisa281 lisa281


Nice collection! If you don't mind, I'm going to make a link to this on one my journal posts so I can remember this as well.

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 4 años

Got this link for central Texas plants from @joshua_tx :

Publicado por billarbon hace más de 4 años

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