05 de mayo de 2021













・灰白色 ミサキカグマ、イワイタチ、ヒメイタチ、ヤマイタチ、ナンカイイタチ、タカサゴ、トウゴク、マルバベニ、サイゴクベニ、エンシュウベニ、ギフベニ
・灰白色または赤 オオイタチ
・赤または灰白色 ハチジョウベニ
・赤 キノクニベニ
・赤、稀に灰白色 ベニ
・灰白色、稀に淡い赤 オオベニ





ポイント1: 最下羽片の下向き第1小羽片
・オオイタチ 長さが第2の1.3倍。2等辺3角形。ベニオオイタチは長さが第2の1.1倍。
・キノクニベニ 長さが第2の0.5倍。2等辺3角形。
・ベニ 長さが第2の0.6倍。台形。
・オオベニ 長さが第2の0.8倍。2等辺3角形。


ポイント2: 赤い葉
・新しい葉は赤 オオイタチ(ベニオオイタチ)、ベニ、キノクニベニ
・新しい葉も緑 オオベニ


*1: 最下羽片の下向き第1小羽片

判定 1ベニ 2ベニ 3オオベニ 4ベニ 5ベニ
判定 6ベニオオイタチ 7ベニオオイタチ 8ベニオオイタチ 9ベニオオイタチ 10ベニ
判定 11オオベニ 12オオベニ 13ベニ 14ベニオオイタチ 15ベニオオイタチ(2018)



  • 1,2,3,14 沼津、香貫山遊歩道
  • 4,5 沼津、愛鷹広域公園
  • 6~13 沼津、香貫山登り道路沿い
  • 15 熱海に向かう道路沿い

補足: 画像の貼り付け方。写真に表示されているiをクリック、次にsizeのsmallをクリック。表示された画像を右クリックしてurlを取得、イメージタグのurlに挿入。

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2021 por harumkoh harumkoh | 15 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

12 de septiembre de 2020




*1: 日本産シダ植物標準図鑑にそう書いてあるが、実際は羽片裏にも黒い鱗片がある。

Publicado el 12 de septiembre de 2020 por harumkoh harumkoh | 13 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de septiembre de 2020


途中でナチシダらしきシダが目に入った。近よってみると、ナチシダだった。伊豆半島の南の方にgoogle mapで「ナチシダの北限」とマークされた場所があるが、見つけた場所はかなり北。不思議に思ったが、その後も数か所ナチシダが繁殖してる場所を見つけた。そして滝。滝へ向かう小道でも次々とナチシダが見つかり、葉柄が118cmもある巨大ナチシダまであった。これは自然分布だろうか。

Publicado el 06 de septiembre de 2020 por harumkoh harumkoh | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de agosto de 2020



Publicado el 19 de agosto de 2020 por harumkoh harumkoh | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de julio de 2019

蛾のobservationに自動的に追加されるプロジェクト「Moths of Japan」の紹介

設定によるようだが、蛾のobservationにはプロジェクト「Moths of Japan」が自動的に追加される。このプロジェクトはプロジェクト「Moths of Asia」の子プロジェクトになっている。「Moths of Asia」の子プロジェクトは日本以外に、香港、インド、台湾、マレーシア、韓国、シンガポール、タイなどがある。
プロジェクト「Moths of Asia」を開くと、トップページにobservation数のグラフがある。1位の香港は何と5万である。2位のインドと3位の台湾が1万5千、マレーシアが1万2千と続く。日本は現在11位で2千、とても少ない。

Publicado el 15 de julio de 2019 por harumkoh harumkoh | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de febrero de 2018

Adding GEOTAG for Olympus P5 was changed

My camera is Olympus P5 and the camera need a smartphone to add Geotag. I noticed the way was changed. "Add Geotag" button of Ol.share jump to Ol.Track now, the point was "long press" the log lists. Four buttons appear when I long-press one of my log lists, the top button is "Add Geotag".

Publicado el 25 de febrero de 2018 por harumkoh harumkoh | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de agosto de 2017

Went to see the hole of the volcano

My family and I went to the 6th point (elevation 2490m) of Mount Fuji last year, there is the road to the 5th point (elevation 2400m) so it was easy to go. My son said he wanted to go the top but I said I heard it is tough to go because of low temperature and low air pressure. My son and I were interested in what the hole of the volcano like, we can see the picture but wanted to stand on the edge. :)

We decided to go the top this year, I bought shoes for him but I didn't know what else should I prepare. I read and heard what we need. The temperature of the top is 4-8 degree Celsius, the 5th point is 16-20, a city is 25-30, so we need summer cloth for the city and change to spring cloth on 5th point and change to winter cloth on 7th or 8th point. And need to prepare the rain. I thought we can use could use cheap rainwear but we need to wear it hours and rain or sweat will make wet inside, it's hard to stay in the winter rain. So we prepared rainwear and some small winter clothes what we can carry on our back and I booked the mountain hut on 7th point (elevation 3010m).

1st day, the 5th point was smokey like last year so we put on rainwear. It looked smoke but the water dropped from our hat. The rainwear worked nicely, it kept inside dry. The trail was tough to me but it seemed easier to my boy, he always go faster and waited for me on next point. There were trees on 5th point, but it wasn't any on 7th point. It seemed all イタドリ(Fallopia japonica) on the red ground. I felt already a lack of air on 7th point so I couldn't get good sleep but my son seemed slept as always. He said he already accustomed to low air pressure next morning.

2nd day, I woke up 4 am and prepared to see the sunrise but we couldn't see it because of all smokey weather. We started climbing 5 am, my son went faster than me as the previous day. Most of the trail was natural stair of rocks so it wasn't like walking, it was like climbing. It was getting more tough to me, I felt I couldn't inhale enough air when I moved quickly but I needed move quickly when I walked up the rocks. So I climbed up slower. In the city, I usually check the time and go faster so I forgot I can get to where I want to go even I go very slowly. I always got next point, it was a fresh surprise to me.

Plants were gone on the 8th point (elevation 3250m) but I found birds on the 8th and the 9th point (elevation 3460m). The birds didn't afraid climbers, they got very close to us. I noticed the birds eat moths, moths were gathered to the light of the hat in the previous night. There were more kind of moths than I pictured.

We got warm food on the hat of the 9th point and went on. There were snow remains above the valley of the 9th point. Luckily the smoke was getting gone and we could see the scenery of 9th point to the top. We could see the top but it didn't come closer, walk a little by little, 2 hours later, finally I got to the top, where my boy was waiting. :)

There is the post office on the top, we can get the postmark of "The top of Mt.Fuji", we posted one. :)

photo 1: left
The hole of Mt.Fuji
photo 2: right
The hole of Mt.Fuji

Climbing down, was another tough event. Air or the temperature didn't bother me anymore, but it was very tough to my legs. My boy went faster but I went slower, it was getting dark when we went back to the 5th point.

Publicado el 07 de agosto de 2017 por harumkoh harumkoh | 20 observaciones | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de mayo de 2017

Scuba diving and Whale watching in Wakayama

My son got some patch in his swimming school, now he can swim faster than me. I wanted to give him something, I decided to give him a scuba diving in the south end of our area, Kushimoto, Wakayama prefecture. It was 1st scuba diving to me. :)
Unfortunately, the weather wasn't good so beginners only could dive in a wave-quiet beach. We learned equipment and signs and went short diving. I concerned if we choked under the sea but it didn't happen and under the sea was very comfortable. We expected colorful fish but couldn't find them but some sea cucumbers and sea urchins and small corals. :)
Next day we went whale watching. The guide said he can't say we can see a whale but he saw smaller whales a day before the day, so we expect seeing whales and dolphins. The trip start at 8 am and we saw dolphins 9:47, I was excited but many tourists got sea sick and seemed tired. 10 minutes later we saw a blowing and a black whale in distance. We noticed two whales, one large, one small, maybe a mother and a child. The guide shouted "SEE" and the whale dived and showed its fin on the surface, the movement was slow than I expected.

Publicado el 13 de mayo de 2017 por harumkoh harumkoh | 9 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de septiembre de 2015

処暑(limit of heat) Aug 23 - Sep 7

処暑(limit of heat) is one of solar term. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_term)
Longitude of sun 150°.
Getting cooler. Cicadas were disappear in the city but I noticed many cicadas were still singing in mountain.
Grasshoppers sang in evening and night. Butterflies, dragonflies were still active, large beetles were gone.
I found acorns and lots of mushrooms.
All species that I found in 処暑 in Kobe is in here.

Publicado el 21 de septiembre de 2015 por harumkoh harumkoh | 132 observaciones | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de agosto de 2015

Identifying yellow swallowtails

Look at these two photos.

Old world swallowtail:
color: yellow.
pattern: around shoulder is blackkish yellow.

Asian swallowtail:
color: faded yellow.
pattern: around shoulder is black stripes.

Publicado el 31 de agosto de 2015 por harumkoh harumkoh | 2 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación