Oliver Nature Park 2017 BioBlitz Post Operation Update

Well yesterday was a very fun day. I got up early and got some breakfast with my aunt and then headed out to the park. We arrived and I met up with a few people from the TMN class of this year. I also met up with one of my classmates from 2016's TMN class as well. @cindylcobb5 shortly arrived and got the stuff we needed out of the shed. I came up with my own personal net and my trowl. I always have this thing about thinking ahead and coming prepared. I hung around as Cindy talked to the rest about how to use the iNaturalist app. @suz came up and said a few things about it and I talked a little and soon our first BioBlitzers came up. I took the family of two on a iNaturalist tour. I did a tour of the park and we looked for different things and I talked about some of the rock formations and parts of the trails. I did my best to try and keep it interesting and it seemed to work. I caught a few butterflies, and things but it was kind of a slow day. It was cloudy and overcast with a little drizzly but not bad. There were a few squirrels running amuck and stuff eating and foraging for nuts; we saw a rabbit and a few other things. We went down to the amphitheater and I ran into the group from the 2017 class. I asked if they had seen anything and they said they did and then they told me they were checking for copperheads. I didn't see them at first but later on I would. My team and I kind of fanned out and started to look around the area and then I heard a scream. The little girl that was with me said there was a spider. She showed it to me and it was a Daddy Long Legs or Harvestmen of some kind. The thing was very cool it was red with a dark stripe on its back. We went around the rest of the trails and stuff and I would tell them about the area and a few things about me and my own experiences in nature. Soon we parted ways and I was left alone out on the trails. I found my second Copperhead and a few other things and soon I headed back to the front to talk to Cindy and take a load off of my feet. Cindy asked me if I wanted to stay for a scavenger hunt and I was able to. I stayed at the front and my aunt brought me a drink from Sonic. It was a very hot afternoon and I was taking a rest since I was on my feat all morning long. I stayed on the trail for a good while. I was taking a rest up a the front and then one of the Interns came up and said she saw a Box Turtle. That was some of the coolest news we ever got at this place. Soon we got a cart and we went to look for it. We came up with nothing after we searched for a while. It was soon time to go back up to the front and get ready for the scavenger hunt. I helped put up some of the stuff we had from the bioblitz and then we got the stuff for the scavenger hunt. We didn't have a huge turn out we only had one family but it was still valuable teaching time and it gave us more time to talk with them and ask them questions and stuff. It was really cool. During that hike we saw a bagworm cocoon which I thought was really cool. I have only seen a Bagworm cocoon in books and TV never in actual first hand observation. I made sure I got some good photos of that little sucker. It is like a hut made out of tree junk and twigs. It was a very cool little formation. It was actually pretty large and very neat to observe. We also found a few other things around the park. Somethings we saw I failed to get on the life list like the Soapberry tree. I go out there often enough but I miss a lot when I am not on a hike with others from time to time. It was a great day though. It started to warm up by the time we got back to the front. It was a nice day to spend out in nature. I can't wait for my next big adventure. So be sure to stayed turned and perched; there is still more to come. This is Zachary Chapman signing out.

Publicado el 23 de octubre de 2017 por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


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Doradilla (Diabrotica undecimpunctata)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:00 MAÑANA CDT

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Santa Lucía (Commelina erecta)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:23 MAÑANA CDT

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Azulilla de Estanque Común (Enallagma civile)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:07 MAÑANA CDT

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Campanilla Púrpura (Ipomoea cordatotriloba)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:24 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:27 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:30 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:40 MAÑANA CDT

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Ardilla Zorra (Sciurus niger)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:48 MAÑANA CDT

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Acacia Negra (Gleditsia triacanthos)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:51 MAÑANA CDT

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Arañas Lobo (Familia Lycosidae)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 09:53 MAÑANA CDT

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Espejitos (Dione vanillae)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:01 MAÑANA CDT

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Moscas Parasitoides (Familia Tachinidae)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:05 MAÑANA CDT

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Conejo Serrano (Sylvilagus floridanus)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:24 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:37 MAÑANA CDT

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Hongos (Reino Fungi)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:42 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:48 MAÑANA CDT

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Chinche Gigante de Cabeza Espinosa (Acanthocephala femorata)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:55 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 10:17 MAÑANA CDT

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Vaquita Asiática (Harmonia axyridis)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 11:02 MAÑANA CDT

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Mariposa Monarca (Danaus plexippus)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 11:08 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 11:19 MAÑANA CDT

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Mirlo Primavera (Turdus migratorius)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 11:22 MAÑANA CDT

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Chapulín Diferencial (Melanoplus differentialis)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 11:24 MAÑANA CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 12:25 PM CDT

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Mariposa Vanesa Pintada (Vanessa cardui)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 12:35 PM CDT

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Cebolleta (Nothoscordum bivalve)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 01:26 PM CDT

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Abaniquillo Verde del Noreste (Anolis carolinensis)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 01:34 PM CDT

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Gusano de Canasta (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 01:33 PM CDT

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Zurcidora Migratoria Común (Anax junius)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 01:48 PM CDT

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Araña de Guardería (Pisaurina dubia)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:02 PM CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:06 PM CDT

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Mariposa Emperatriz de Manchas Blancas (Asterocampa celtis)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:07 PM CDT

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Lagartija Espinosa del Noreste (Sceloporus olivaceus)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:18 PM CDT

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Jaboncillo (Sapindus drummondii)


Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:23 PM CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:26 PM CDT

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Octubre 21, 2017 a las 02:44 PM CDT


It was good to see you again, Zach. @cindylcobb5 asked me to make suggestions about taking photos in order to identify plants. Here's what I suggested: 1. take a photo of the whole plant; 2. photograph the leaves/branching of the plant; 3. take a photo of the flower; 4. if available, photograph the fruit and/or seeds. On Asteraceae, it's a good idea to photograph the phyllaries, the part that holds the flower. You may know the ID of the plant immediately, but it's still a good idea to include all of these photos. Sometimes, your ID may be incorrect, and you don't even know it. That happened to me just recently. When I went back and got photos of the phyllaries and seeds, the ID could be certain. @galactic_bug_man, you had a very productive day with a good assortment of observations. I'm so glad that you were available to be a tour guide. You did well!

Publicado por suz hace más de 6 años

Thank you those are very kind words and great suggestions @!suz. I have to admit it seems that I always get the different parts of the plant and stuff over time as I observe more. I need to really work on that and make sure I get all the angles of the plant. My camera has been acting very funny so I think I get it and then it winds up blur so I have been using my hand more. I will have to toy with it a little to see just what the heck is up with the settings I am sure it is nothing but still I need to see if there is a way I can get it in focus more on the smaller things.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 6 años

Great job Zach!! Looks like you saw a lot of stuff, and I'm glad to hear some of my classmates made it out there, too.

Publicado por kimberlietx hace más de 6 años

Yes they did. They were kind of unsure what to do at first but we brought them up to speed. They did really well out there I think they are getting the hang of this iNat thing.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace más de 6 años

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