
I head about micro-fishing, a method for catching small fish like minnows. A lot of micro-fishers, like birders, keep a life list of all the fish they've caught and travel around to get as many species of fish as they can. I did some Internet research and it looks like it would be a great way to get a lot of species for iNat, particularly for the Fishes of Texas project.

I bought the type of fishing pole recommended, a telescoping crappie rod, from the local sporting goods store, but they didn't have the tackle I needed. I just ordered some from Amazon and it should be here by the end of the week. I hope it goes well and of course I will post the photos here when I start!

About micro-fishing:

NPR article on micro-fishing http://www.npr.org/2016/10/27/498406364/little-fish-tales-micro-fishers-focus-on-the-species-not-size
Getting started: equipment http://microfishing.com/tackle/
What is micro-fishing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd0eQ_JzjIM
Instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9TZ9P0QM2s&index=2&list=PLrDlSni9DzFs0KFkXziHZoo9tyDEZ2UO5

Publicado el 10 de julio de 2017 por cosmiccat cosmiccat


Report back if it goes well!

I have often considered trying to take up the hobby. The lack of fresh water in Southern California has slowed me down though.

Publicado por glmory hace casi 7 años

I know nothing about small fish but have had fun in the past catching them and allowing my young grandchildren to catch them. I will be interested in seeing some of your catches for sure and might even see what is in my ponds and creeks.

One hint I have used in the past is to bend the barb on the hook with a small hemostat so that it is not literally 'barbless' but is almost so.


Publicado por mikeintyler hace casi 7 años

I've definitely been considering taking up microfishing. @glmory, the small amount of fresh water that southern California has can hold some interesting species. I've seen several species of pupfish down in the desert and there are tons of introduced species from aquariums down there.

Publicado por vermfly hace casi 7 años

@kueda told me about this a while back and I've really wanted to try it. Please do post about your successes! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 7 años

@sambiology You guys should have some amazing species down there. Freshwater should have cool shiners and sunfish but if you go to the coast there should be tons of cool little fish.

Publicado por vermfly hace casi 7 años

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