TRAIL NOTES of March 12, 2019

TRAIL NOTES Jasper Ridge

5 of us gathered Monday morning at the Escobar Gate to walk and talk and explore. We took the fire-road to Trail 9, up that trail to Trail C and took that to where it intersects with Trail 9 again. I was the only one who had been on Trail C before.

Observations made were all those flowering plants mentioned from last week (19) plus the following were in bloom: Chaparral Clematis, Manzanita, Blue Nightshade, Hillside Gooseberry and Redberry.

Also noted was one Brush Rabbit and 6 or 7 caterpillars of the Variable Checkerspot on their favorite food plant Mimulus.

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2019 por bob-dodge bob-dodge


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