Compton Creek Restoration - Aquatic Team.

As a part of the Compton Creek Restoration Project through Heal the Bay, we went out on 3/29/14 to do a followup survey of plants, birds, and water quality. The CSUDH water quality team includes Aireen Jude, Maria Quevedo, and myself. We will be conducting qualitative surveys ("stream walks"), where we assess odors and color of the water, as well as dominant vegetation types along the banks and in the stream. "Vegetation" includes filamentous bluegreen and green algae in mats big enough to be seen with the naked eye, in addition to vascular plants such as Tule and Cattails. This time we also measured stream depth and secchi depth (a type of water clarity measurement) at sites where we took a water sample for analysis back at the lab. Incidental algae and inverts will be documented.

Publicado el 02 de abril de 2014 por bbryan bbryan


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