iNaturalist hack for restricting Lepidoptera observations to moths

I went to this forum discussion:

Without restating the entire post:
When you go to the Observations page at you will have the chance to filter for YOUR observations. When you choose that option, you will see that a url has been generated for your user id. Now, specify a search for Lepidoptera.

You will then find an inserted string: &taxon_id=47157

Your observations are now limited to Lepidoptera. To exclude all the butterflies for a moth-only list, you simply have to insert into the url address the excluded taxon id string for Papilionoidea: &without_taxon_id=47224

You can insert this neatly following the &taxon_id=47157 or at the very end of your url. You'll get the same results either way.

Thus, I developed my own url:

This gives me all my moths, without my butterflies (excluding Superfamily Papilionoidea)

Just putting this here so I can find's probably old news to everyone else. :)

Publicado el 15 de octubre de 2019 por annainok annainok



Publicado por rdparker hace más de 4 años

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