Steven Falk - Don't Stop the Rot
Entomologist and ecologist Steven Falk discusses and celebrates the importance of old trees and dead wood for invertebrates, and how to protect and promote this important environment.
The State of Britain’s Larger Moths 2021 has been compiled by Butterfly Conservation in partnership with Rothamsted Research and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH).
Changes in populations of species in Britain between 1968 and 2017 have been estimated based on the analysis of tens of millions of records gathered through the Rothamsted Insect Survey and the National Moth Recording Scheme.
The report says the total abundance of larger moths decreased by 33 per cent between 1968 and 2017. The extent of the losses has worsened in the past decade. The previous report, in 2013, showed total abundance of Britain’s larger moths decreased by 28 per cent between 1968 and 2007.
Dr Richard Fox of Butterfly Conservation, lead author of the report, says moths are important pollinators of many plants, including wildflowers, and also provide essential food for a variety of animal species, including bats and many familiar birds.
He explains: “This decline is worrying because moths play a vital role in our ecosystems. Because moths are dwindling, we can be pretty sure that other wildlife are also in decline and that our wider environment is deteriorating.”
Steven Falk - Don't Stop the Rot
Entomologist and ecologist Steven Falk discusses and celebrates the importance of old trees and dead wood for invertebrates, and how to protect and promote this important environment.
Steven Falk - Don't Stop the Rot Living Landscapes Claire Install, Senior Conservation Officer for Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, discusses the vision of restoring, recreating and reconnecting fragmented habitats to create a resilient and healthy environment, cherished, accessible and useful for people and wildlife, teeming with nature and rich in opportunities for learning, health and well-being.
Claire Install, Senior Conservation Officer for Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, discusses the vision of restoring, recreating and reconnecting fragmented habitats to create a resilient and healthy environment, cherished, accessible and useful for people and wildlife, teeming with nature and rich in opportunities for learning, health and well-being.
An Update on Dragonflies in Leicestershire & Rutland Ian Merrill, British Dragonfly Society County Recorder for Leicestershire and Rutland, describes how to identify dragonflies and damselflies and discusses recent changes in the county fauna.
The Making of a Marvel – The Inside Out of Flies Erica McAlister, Senior Curator Flies and Fleas, The Natural History Museum highlights the amazing structures, behaviours and ecology of some of our most maligned of animals – the flies. Flies are one of the diverse groups of animals that dominate this planet and are incredibly important in ecosystems – from pollination to decomposition. Their ecological diversity is a result from a flexible form – from the marvellous maggots to the ferocious flyers – flies have managed to penetrate most regions on the planet. From the tips of their antennae to the end of their abdomens they have adapted, modified and manipulated their bodies, and some of these modifications are providing us with some amazing inspiration.
The Making of a Marvel – The Inside Out of Flies
The oceanic flora of Northwest Europe: mosses, liverworts and ferns
Dr Rory Hodd is a botanist and ecologist working on the conservation and monitoring of plants and habitats, primarily in Ireland, as well as Britain. He is an expert on mosses and liverworts, particularly those of the oceanic fringes of Europe, and is also Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) recorder for North and South Kerry.
The oceanic flora of Northwest Europe: mosses, liverworts and ferns
In haar lezing roept zij terecht op om de digitalisering in Nederland serieuzer te nemen. De digitale transitie dendert over ons heen, 'zónder dat we die sturen of in goede banen leiden'. Dat moet anders. Digitalisering is niet iets dat ons overkomt, het is een fundamentele omslag die sturing en een integrale aanpak nodig heeft. Wil Nederland zijn voorsprong behouden als kenniseconomie, dan moet de overheid meer technici opleiden en meer aandacht geven aan ethische vraagstukken. Maar het kabinet moet vooral meer geld investeren in onderzoek en ontwikkeling, aldus Jeannine Peek.
Voor de 21ste editie van de Brakona Contactdag konden we helaas niet in levende lijve samenkomen in het Provinciehuis in Leuven. Omdat er in 2020 in Vlaams-Brabant toch wel het een en het ander gebeurde op vlak van natuurstudie, organiseren de Provincie Vlaams-Brabant en Natuurpunt Studie een online alternatief.
Op zaterdagvoormiddag 6 februari stond dit op het programma:
00:01 - Inleiding door dagvoorzitter Frederik Vanlerberghe, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant
04:55 - Het Vinne, op naar een viersterrenrestaurant voor de Roerdomp (Frederik Vanlerberghe, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant)
37:47 - Het Meetnetten-project 2.0 (Sam Van de Poel, Natuurpunt Studie)
48:22 - Over prachtige Bosoprollers en andere Landpissebedden in Vlaams-Brabant (Pallieter De Smedt, Spinicornis)
1:06:45 - Habitatgebruik van Bever op de Dijle op basis van zenderonderzoek (Frank Huysentruyt, INBO)
1:31:29 - PTT wintertellingen van vogels in Vlaams-Brabant (Marc Herremans, Natuurpunt Studie)
1:53:12 - Het nachtvlinderjaar 2020 gezien vanuit mijn tuin (Paul Nuyts)
2:13:45 - Plan kiekendief: eerste realisaties (Hanne Vandewaerde, Regionaal Landschap Zuid Hageland)
2:43:30 - Monitoring van het ecoduct Groenendaal en de tunnel Flossendelle over en onder de R0 in het Zoniënwoud (Simon Feys en Jorg Lambrechts, Natuurpunt Studie)
3:06:58 - Afsluitend woord (Bart Nevens, Gedeputeerde voor milieu, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant)
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