Day 4 Peninsula BioBlitz

Hi Team,

I can’t believe it!!!! 1,309 observations!!!!!! 300 Species!!!! This is amazing! And I continue to be awed by all of the stunning photographs!

Cynthia now has a solid lead in observations – 170!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abbie in 2nd (123), Jess in 3rd (93), stumph in 4th (86) Hayden in 5th (70) Sharon in 6th (65). Jess has pulled into the lead of the most species observed – 73!!! (and wow are those macro pics of the wee critters amazing!!!!) Cynthia is close behind with 71 and Abbie with 67. Stumph is in 4th (52) Bernd in 5th (46) and Hayden in 6th (40) with Cindy just 1 behind that. Of course the numbers keep shifting as more observations are uploaded and more identifications made so we won’t be announcing final results until May 6. Awesome teamwork all!!!!

You have all done an incredible job - the 2nd annual Peninsula Bioblitz has far exceeded the first! This provides us with so much helpful information about all of the amazing species making a home in the preserves. The observation period closes tonight but you can still continue to post observations that were already made within the observation period. We will continue working away at identifications through the 5th and will announce the results on the May 6th!

A HUGE SHOUT OUT to all 47 amazing observers and to the 113 folks who have helped with identifications thus far!!!!

Thank you all for making this years BioBlitz such an incredible success!

Publicado el 30 de abril de 2024 por pvplc pvplc


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