Day 3 Peninsula BioBlitz

Hi Team,

WOW!!!!! We have already surpassed last year's observation count (1,007) and are at 1,077!! We have also surpassed last year's 254 species and are already at 263 (a number that keeps rising as more identifications are made and seems to be rapidly rising as I am typing)! And, as far as I can see, we have observations in all of the Preserves and all of the accessible Reserves!

Things are getting close in the race for the most observations, Cynthia and Abbie are now tied for 1st with 102(!!!!!!!) observations each! Hayden is in 3rd (70), stumph is in 4th (60) and jim_g and Cindy are tied for 5th (56 each) with Sharon and Bernd just an observation or two behind!

The diversity being recorded is amazing. Abbie is holding the lead with 62 species!!! Jess is catching up fast with 60 (in the time I am typing this his species count jumped up from 50), Bernd is in 3rd (45) Cynthia is 4th (44) Hayden 5th (40) and jim_g is 6th (36).

The Western Fence Lizard is still leading as the most observed species - they certainly are photogenic and cooperative :)

I am again so very very impressed with all of the amazing photography!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even begin to list favorites as I am finding more amazing pics each time I delve in. How lucky we are to have such amazing places to explore!

Not counted among the amazing photographs was my attempt to catch a pic of the striped racer that glided across the trail just in front of me (couldn't get my phone unlocked), then it made another dash across the trail just behind me (I spun around, fumbled with my phone again and managed to catch a distant pic of what looks very convincingly like an out of focus shadow of a stick in the trail - possibly the most questionable observation of the weekend lol).

Tomorrow (Monday the 29th) is the final day to make observations (yep one more day)! You then have from April 30 – May 5 to get everything uploaded (for those of you who work offline or with actual cameras etc) then final results are announced on May 6!

Finally, I wanted to give a shout out to everyone who is helping with identifications - HURRAY!!

Thank you all!

Publicado el 29 de abril de 2024 por pvplc pvplc


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