Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2024: Fairfield and Westchester County

Archivos de diario de abril 2024

24 de abril de 2024

T minus two days!

I hope you are all as excited as I am for the 2024 City Nature Challenge! The weather is looking beautiful for the weekend, so I am hoping to set and achieve some pretty lofty goals.

To date, our highest number of observations was made in 2020 at 3,156 and we documented 808 species.

I am hoping we can get to 3,200 observations and record 815 species! LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!

A few reminders:

  • Avoid the 3 P's- pets, people, and potted plants. Remember, we are trying to document wildlife!
    -Don't overlook the wildlife you may pass by every day! (Weeds, moss, bugs, etc.)
    -Please try your best to take clear photos, this really helps to identify species. You are encouraged to add multiple photos for each observation.
    -The challenge starts at midnight on Friday and goes to midnight on Monday. Early mornings are great for documenting birds, and night time is great time to see moths and listen for amphibians.

Please spread the word! The CNC is a great weekend, we'd love to get as many people participating as possible.

If you have questions or find anything interesting please feel free to e-mail! bcervero@maritimeaquarium.org


Publicado el 24 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

26 de abril de 2024

2.5 hours!

In just a few hours, the CNC begins!! If you are anything like me, your camera battery is on the charger, the memory card is cleared and ready to be filled, and you are chomping at the bit to begin! Any guesses on the first species observed?

I hope you all get outside and enjoy what is supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL weekend, make tons of observations, and tell all your friends and family about iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge.

Tagging some top observers in Fairfield and Westchester County to make sure the CNC is on your radar!

@altspen @msr042377 @ingrid_kaatz @luna2020 @sharonsh168 @swampchicken @healthyyards @sabineart @cjreillyiii @shaunmichael

Let's meet our goal!

  • 3200 observations
  • 815 species

And remember:

  • Keep it wild, avoid the 3 P's- people, pets, potted plants
    -Take clear pictures, with only one species in focus, and more than one photo per observation is encouraged!

Thanks everyone, let's make the 2024 CNC the best one yet!!

Keep it wild,
Bridget Cervero - bcervero@maritimeaquarium.org

Publicado el 26 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

What a start!

Amazing work everyone! So happy to report that at just shy of 1:30 on the first day we have already made 640 observations and have identified 238 species, we are certainly well on our way of reaching our goal. There are a few great events happening tomorrow if you are looking for new ways to get involved:

The Norwalk Earth Day Celebration is from 12:00-4:00 on the Green and I will be there spreading the word and helping folks use iNaturalist! More information:


Our partners at New Pond Farm Education Center are doing a bioblitz tomorrow from 7:00 am- 7:00 pm: You can learn more here:

Thanks everyone!!

Keep it wild,

Publicado el 26 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de abril de 2024

Mind Blowing!!

One word: AMAZING!

Let's keep on this pace and we will exceed our goals!! We are averaging over 1000 observations per day!! Truly all the work you are doing is warming my heart and blowing my mind simultaneously.

As I type we are at:
2,180 observations (just 1000 of our goal with over 2 days left!)
606 species (just 200 off our goal!)

We are on track to surpass our goals and I can't thank you enough for all you are doing to get us there!

A few reminders as we head into our final two days:

  • Continue to keep it wild (you are all doing so good at this!) Avoid those 3 P's (people, pets, potted plants)
  • Don't forget to document the wildlife you may ignore- weeds on the driveway, bugs in the basement, moss on the old tree are all WONDERFUL observations
  • The CNC is a great excuse to visit a spot you've never been but have meaning to check out! Whether it's a hiking trail you've wanted to try, a beach to explore while parking is still free, or maybe even a small pond next to the mall that you always see birds at while you drive by but never stop at, use the CNC to take the time to actually stop, enjoy, and observe.

Keep it wild,

(P.S. Just rechecked and at the end of typing the numbers have again jumped! 2,203 observations, 610 species!)

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de abril de 2024

The best CNC weekend!

What a joy it has been to see all of these observations come in all weekend long! We have already exceeded last years numbers across the board and we still have more than a whole day left! We are SO close to our goals, (and not to jinx anything) I am really confident we are going to meet or beat them!

As a self admitted bird nerd- some of the bird observations have been incredible! Red-headed Woodpeckers, Blue Grosbeaks, and Northern Parulas- truly spectacular.

I know for most Monday means back to work, but take advantage of what is supposed to be another beautiful day! Have your lunch outside, take the pups for an extra long walk, or wake up a touch earlier to listen to the morning calls, any excuse to be outside and make final observations!

But most of all, THANK YOU! The progress our little city has made compared to the 550+ cities around the world all taking part in the CNC is just unbelievable and it wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you.

Keep it wild,
Bridget Cervero- bcervero@maritimeaquarium.org

Publicado el 29 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

3,000+ observations!

Just a quick note to celebrate exceeding 3,000 observations!! Still a lot of time left in this absolute stunner of day, let's take advantage and get outside and enjoy!

Keep it wild,

Publicado el 29 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de abril de 2024

Exceeded our goals, and we're not finished yet!

I am SO PROUD of our CNC contributions! This is our best showing ever, and there is still time for our numbers to go up!

  • If you took photos during the challenge days (4/26-4/29) you can still upload them! We have until May 5th to get those observations added to iNaturalist!
  • Uploaded everything but still want to participate? Help us ID! There are tons of observations that still need identifications. Here is a short video that shows some tips to how to efficiently help with identification, even sorting by just looking at specific taxas- https://youtu.be/XlXjqfk2QGI

-Since we did so good at reaching our goals, I am going to set one final one for the this challenge:
Let's get our research grade observations up to 40%

So what does that mean?

For something to be research grade, at least 2/3's of suggested identifications need to agree.
Right now, 30% of our observations are research grade. To get that number up, please do your best to help us make identifications, or suggest new ones so we can make sure all of our data is as accurate and useful as possible!

Thanks again!

Keep it wild,
Bridget Cervero (bcervero@maritimeaquarium.org)

Publicado el 30 de abril de 2024 por bridget827 bridget827 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


Vida Silvestre es una entidad asociada a la Organización Mundial de Conservación