These little lists of missing species that I've so far produced for Birds and Butterflies, are useful in many ways - principally in motivating people to go out, find, and photograph what's missing! Here's the latest one: herps of San Mateo. We've done pretty well with these groups. Seeing the California Legless Lizard is on my bucket list, btw. I've seen California Whiptail within yards of the county border in Santa Clara county...
Assuredly someone can photograph a Red-eared Slider 'round here!
Western Yellow-bellied Racer Coluber constrictor mormon
California Mountain Kingsnake Lampropeltis zonata
California Nightsnake Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha nuchalata
Forest Sharp-tailed Snake Contia longicaudae
California Striped Racer Coluber lateralis lateralis
California Legless Lizard Anniella pulchra
Blainville's Horned Lizard Phrynosoma blainvillii hypothetical for San Mateo?
California Whiptail Aspidoscelis tigris munda
Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans
Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas critically endangered, rare
California Toad Anaxyrus boreas halophilus
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Rana boylii hypothetical for San Mateo?
California Tiger Salamander Ambystoma californiense
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