City Nature Challenge WINNERS!

With over 6,000 observations last weekend, San Mateo county contributed to the SWEEPING victory of the Bay Area in the Third Annual City Nature Challenge (CNC). We exceeded ourselves locally, representing 1.5% of the GLOBAL CNC total, and 15% of the Bay Area observations (the nine counties that ring the Bay).

The Bay Area portion of the City Nature Challenge -

The International City Nature Challenge, in which 425,000 observations were made (1.5% of which were in San Mateo county!) -

The final tallies for the entire City Nature Challenge -

The totals for our excellent San Bruno Mountain Bio-Blitz, held in the middle of the CNC - (just short of 2,000 observations!)

We are now well on the way to an admirable goal of reaching 150,000 total observations for this project by the end of 2018. Stay busy and have fun out there!

Jennifer (Proud Den-Mother of this project)

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2018 por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


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