Don't miss Robin Agarwal's zoom talk tonight about the nudibranchs coming to Lake Merritt after the catastrophic fish kill in August.
Nudibranchs are part of the food chain that feeds the birds after all.
Join us by zoom on January 6th as we celebrate the New Year with Lakeside Chat #26 by nudibranch specialist and journalist Robin Agarwal.
Robin's talk is entitled “What Led to a "Nudibranch Boomtown” in Lake Merritt?” Robin will introduce us to the sea slugs of Lake Merritt and explore reasons for their puzzling recent success. Free!
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 861 1375 0922
Passcode: 984239
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86113750922#,,,,*984239# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86113750922#,,,,*984239# US (Tacoma)
See you there! If you don't make it, but register, you will be sent the recording.