January 5th 2024! Don't miss free zoom talk by Dr. Noah Whiteman about Nature's Poisons - 7-8 pm

Please join us for a special talk by Dr. Noah Whiteman of UC Berkeley.
FREE zoom on Friday January 5th 7-8 pm.

We will send you the zoom link to join the program by email from Eventbrite.

Dr. Whiteman will discuss themes in his new book, “Most Delicious Poison: The Story of Nature's Toxins―from Spices to Vices”. He will explore connections between the evolved chemical defenses of plants and the rest of the ecosystem including humans – with insights into our cravings, medicines, addictions and social life. Don’t miss it!

Katie Noonan and David Wofford, Co-chairs

Rotary Nature Center Friends

Rotary Nature Center Friends is an all-volunteer community 501c3 nonprofit advocating for the Rotary Nature Center in Lakeside Park as an interpretive education and science center for all the people of Oakland and as the Steward for the Lake Merritt Wildlife Refuge.

Publicado el 01 de enero de 2024 por ktnoon ktnoon


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