The Most Remarkable Migrants of All: The Fascinating World of Fly Migration
Will Hawkes
14 Mar 2023 19:00 – 20:00
1-4 billion hoverflies migrate into and out of southern Britain each year. Despite the fact that these migratory insects help control pest species (such as aphids) and provide important pollination ecosystem services, migratory flies do not receive anywhere close to the same attention within research as migratory vertebrates such as birds, whales and turtles. An Exeter University study on insect migration is addressing this knowledge gap.
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Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Impacts of Climate Change on Aquatic Insects
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Impacts of Climate Change on Aquatic Insects
Craig Macadam
09 Feb 2023 13:00 – 14:00
Climate change is widely recognised as being one of the major long-term threats to biodiversity. Freshwater ecosystems are particularly at risk from the impacts of climate change. This talk will explore the vulnerability of freshwater invertebrates to climate change, and what mitigation measures can be used to minimise the impacts on their populations.
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entoLIVE is delivered by the Biological Recording Company and sponsored by the British Entomological & Natural History Society and the Royal Entomological Society.
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- Check out the Biological Recording Company’s upcoming freshwater invertebrate courses and events:
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Impacts of Climate Change on Aquatic Insects
No Brain, No Problem? 20 Years of the National Jellyfish Survey
No Brain, No Problem? 20 Years of the National Jellyfish Survey
No Brain, No Problem? 20 Years of the National Jellyfish Survey
Amy Pilsbury, Marine Conservation Society
06 Feb 2023 19:00 – 20:00
Every year, as spring creeps in, jellyfish arrive around the UK coastline. Since 2003, the Marine Conservation Society, along with thousands of citizen scientists all around the country, has been taking a deeper dive into their movements and how they might influence UK turtle populations. 20 years on, we explore what the data can tell us about these weird and wonderful marine invertebrates.
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431.The Most Remarkable Migrants of All: The Fascinating World of Fly Migration
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