Backyard Birding Journal, August 7, 2015...
Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 234308689 - Red-shouldered Hawk; Clarke County, Georgia. August 7, 2015.
A refreshingly cool morning; 68°. It hasn’t been this cool in quite some time. Sitting on my oasis patio, the sun is rising an orange radiance in the east to my left. A nearly full, silver moon still hangs in the blue sky in the west to my right. Our male Hummingbird takes repeated draughts at the nectar. A dog howls off in the distance; a mysterious call of the wild (with a bit of imagination). A bright red Cardinal and a rich blue Jay highlight the feeders in back. Goldfish swim under the drabbling pond fountain. Day Lilies and Knockout Roses colorfully border the oasis patio. Canada Geese briefly sound a fly-by in the distance. A Red-tailed Hawk decides to come in for a closer look; perhaps to see if there was an easy meal of House Finch or Mourning Dove at the bird feeders.
Athens-Clarke County, Georgia
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