Three Biologists Walk the same trail.

Three Biologists Walk the same trail at the same time. How can they see the wildlife so differently?

Paardeberg Trail above Kleinmond on Day 1 of the City Nature Challenge.

Alex - herpetologist

Tony - vegetation community ecologist

Pat - ecological consultant

Publicado el 06 de mayo de 2024 por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Some people are frog-blind and others are plant-blind ! Being short-sighted I'm ceratinly bird-blind.

Publicado por botswanabugs hace 26 días

Hmmmm - only a herpetologist can see the frogs!

Publicado por traianbertau hace 26 días

don't overlook that the herpetologist was aware of the crazy botanist behind whom was photographing every plant

Publicado por alexanderr hace 10 días

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